Monday, August 22, 2011

King Me!

Fishing in Alaska anyone? This is what it's all about...BIG KINGS! At the time my then boyfriend, now husband told me that we would be fishing for 50-60lb King Salmon. At the time I thought he was crazy, considering the biggest salmon I had caught at that time was a 24lb King out of Lake MI. So we traveled to the Goodnews River Lodge in Goodnews Bay Alaska, population 230. This place is amazingly peaceful with nothing surrounding you but pure nature. Cell phones? Don't even think about it, because you are far from civilization. The bear and moose tracks will clarify.

As we were fishing the river one morning I was entertaining myself by singing "here fishy, fishy". I soon stated that I wanted to change my lure and being female picked out a nice bright lure called a "magnum wiggle wart". My now husband and our guide laughed and tried to explain that this lure was not going to catch anything with the conditions of that day. Being my stubborn self them telling me no only encourage me more so they agreed to change the lure trying to appease me.

As the guys continued to harass me about my unknowladgeable pick I decided to keep the intensity up by saying, "I'll bet you that the next rod that hits will be mine and it's going to be a huge KING!" They continued to laugh and said we'll take that bet and $10! Less than 5 minutes later the next rod to hit was mine and I had caught my very first 45lb KING Salmon!! The biggest fish we caught our whole trip! This is no fish tale check out the pic below to prove it!



  1. That is an awesome story and how it all went down. Sounds like you had the lucky lure and all the guys with all that knowledge in the boat enjoyed laughing at you but it was you that got the last laugh. Plus you got 10 bucks out of the deal too ha ha. Salmon are an incredible fish and it reminds me of the first time I went Salmon fishing and the rush you get when it finally hits. I can only imagine how beautiful Alaska King Salmon fishing would have been since I have only fished in Lake Michigan for salmon. Hopefully you kept that big dog and cooked him up on the grill that night!

  2. LOL, I definitely go the last laugh! I've fished for salmon on Lake MI as well and the sunsets are almost as amazing as the rush you get from fighting a fish! If you ever decide to go to Alaska for king salmon fishing let me know and I can direct you to a great guide!
